The LifeCo WellBeing Center
På medlemsmötet 29/3 fick vi en presentation av deras verksamhet. Här har vi samlat information för den som är intresserad av att kontakta dom. Föreläsningarna finns som länkar samt ett erbjudande för våra medlemmar.
Här är en länk till deras verksamhet.
Här är ett förslag på undersökning från dom:
Comments from mailconversion
The medical check up’s 220€ price is a special discounted price for SSKP members and their families.
20% discount is effective in any detox/nutrition program (with or without accommodation) OR singular treatment/therapy bookings your members will book.
*Blood tests / IV therapies are excluded from 20% discount.
Mail from Clas Ebler :
Kanske även detta som jag frågade om kunde vara av intresse. Funderade att gå själv!
For food course –> we do have 1 day / 2 day / 3 day food and diet workshop and training modules.
Guests who join the food course will spend 4-5 hours a day with Donatas (chef and diet coach) with a very comprehensive module that includes;
– Hands-on food making and recipes
– Diet and nutrition consultaiton
– Functional food presentation
– 1 Week full meal plan (recipe book)
Lite mera ny sammanfattning 10/4
Sharing the Word of Optimal Well-Being
Hello Ebler Clas
We are very happy to announce the new partnership deal between the ’Skandiaver Pa Phuket’ and ’ The LifeCo ’. We strongly believe that this friendship between two entities will help you ’learn and make the change’ for yourself and loved ones.
Your connection here on with The LifeCo will help you;
Raise your awareness on health and nutrition
Reach to your optimal well-being
Preventing and treating any ’dis’eases or chronic health problems
Increase your knowledge to control your health and energy
To begin with, we would like you to know about the special offers and deals you can make use of, by being a member of the ’SKPP’
– 20% Discount on any Detox & Healthy Nutrition Program at The LifeCo Phuket
– Medical Check-Up & Rejuvenation Package with special prices
– Access to all ’School of Life’ educational talks and workshops by Dr.Thomas Lodi (Every weekday 11:00 @ The LifeCo Phuket)
Länk till föreläsning 2 Dr.Lodi